
菡澜 文化修养 2024-12-12 7 576


从5月22日开始,每个月的最后两个周末,在【Beijing 2022】里,将为大家特别推出北京市人民政府外事办公室与外语广播联合制作的《牵手冬奥——市民讲外语公益讲座》。讲座旨在普及宣传冬奥知识,提升重点行业服务人员的对外服务能力,提高市民英语水平,为北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会营造良好氛围。我们邀请“我的冬奥梦”冬奥小记者们和北京市多所中小学的学生记者们,共同为大家带来准确、实用的冬奥会和冬残奥会项目知识的英文介绍。节目播出时间:周六、日:8:30-9:00(首播)12:00 & 16:30(重播) 今天为大家介绍冬奥、冬残奥会会徽: 冬奥、冬残奥会会徽 Inspired by 冬, the Chinese character for "winter", the emblem resembles a skater at the top and a skier at the bottom. The flowing ribbon-like motif between them symbolises the host country's rolling mountains, Olympic venues, ski pistes and skating rinks. It also points to the fact that the Games will coincide with the Chinese New Year. 北京2022年冬奥会会徽以汉字“冬”为灵感来源。会徽的上半部分展现滑冰运动员的造型,下半部分展现滑雪运动员的英姿,中间舞动的线条代表举办地起伏的山峦、赛场、冰雪滑道,也象征着北京冬奥会将在中国春节期间举行。 The use of blue in the emblem represents dreams, the future and the purity of ice and snow, while red and yellow – the colours of China's national flag – symbolise passion, youth and vitality. 会徽以蓝色为主色调,寓意梦想与未来,以及冰雪的明亮纯洁。红黄两色源自中国国旗的颜色,也代表着运动的激情、青春与活力。 IOC President Thomas Bach said that the emblem would provide "a common image for people throughout the globe to connect with. It stands for the vision of Beijing 2022, showcasing the best of China to the world, a unique blend of modern and ancient traditions,and, of course, bringing the joy of winter sports to a new generation in China and beyond." 国际奥委会主席托马斯•巴赫表示,全世界的人们都会以北京冬奥会会徽这一形象彼此联系沟通;会徽代表了北京冬奥会的愿景,把中国的美好展现给全世界,用独特的方式把现代与传统融合在一起;会徽还会把冬季运动的乐趣带给中国乃至世界的年轻一代。 The official emblem of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games incorporates the Chinese character for 'fly', 飞 , which conjures up the image of a wheelchair athlete surging towards the finish line and victory. It also embodies the spirit of the Paralympians and their quest for sporting excellence, a quest that inspires and excites the world. 北京冬残奥会会徽设计展现了汉字“飞”的动感和力度,巧妙地幻化成一个向前滑行、冲向胜利的轮椅运动员。会徽也展现了冬残奥运动员顽强拼搏的精神以及他们对卓越表现的不懈追求,这种追求正在鼓舞、激励着整个世界。 The venues for the Winter Games in 2022 have been divided into three zones, or clusters: Beijing, Yanqing, and Zhangjiakou. 2022年北京冬奥会赛场被划分为三个赛区:北京赛区、延庆赛区和张家口赛区。 Beijing zone 北京赛区 Located in central Beijing, this cluster will primarily stage the ice sports of the Winter Olympics, as well as the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Games. 北京场馆群位于北京市中心,将主要举办冬季奥运会的冰上运动以及奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式。 Yanqing zone 延庆赛区 Yanqing's Olympic venues will stage the alpine skiing events as well as the sliding events: bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton. 延庆赛区的奥运场馆将承办高山滑雪和滑行项目(雪车、雪橇和钢架雪车)比赛。 Zhangjiakou zone 张家口 Zhangjiakou's venues will stage the majority of the ski and snowboarding events at the 2022 Winter Games, including freestyle, cross-country, ski jumping, Nordic combined, and biathlon. 张家口赛区的赛场将承办2022年冬奥会的大部分单板和双板项目的比赛,包括自由式滑雪、越野滑雪、跳台滑雪、北欧两项和冬季两项。 重点词汇 emblem n. 徽章,符号;象征,标志 例: The design of any Olympic emblem shall be submitted to the IOC for its approval. 所有奥运会会徽的设计必须提交给国际奥委会以取得其批准。 The lion is an emblem of strength and courage. 狮子是力量和勇气的象征。 blend n. 交融,融合 v. (使)混合;(使)协调,融合 例: The public areas offer a subtle blend of traditional charm with modern facilities. 这些公共区域体现出了传统魅力与现代设施的巧妙结合。 Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy. 把黄油和糖混合起来,快速搅拌成松软的糊状。 (图片来源:北京冬奥组委官网)





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