
萌雯 健康知识 2024-12-16 6 576
Science & Technology 研究生人文与科学素养系列讲座 艺术类 《红楼梦》无数次被搬上荧幕 但却褒贬不一 “一黛不如一黛”道出许多观众心声 让我们跟随上海师范大学詹丹教授的视角 重新审视《红楼梦》的影视化之路 参与经典与创新的思想碰撞 01 讲座信息 主讲嘉宾:詹丹 讲座类型:艺术 讲座主题:《红楼梦》的影视剧改编——从新版电影“一黛不如一黛”说起 讲座地点:润良报告厅(线下) 腾讯会议(线上) 讲座时间:11月17日 15:30-17:30 预约时间:11月16日 19:00-24:00 容纳人数:650人(线下);150人(线上) LECTURER: Zhan Dan TYPE: Art TOPIC: Film and Television Adaptation of Dream of the Red Mansions - Starting from the Phenomenon of "Daiyu in New Version Always Inferior to Old Ones" PLACE: RunLiang Building Lecture Hall(Offline), Tencent Meeting(Online) TIME: 11/17 15:30-17:30 APPOINTMENT: 11/16 19:00-24:00 CAPACITY: 650 people(offline); 150 people(online) 02 嘉宾信息 詹丹,上海师范大学人文学院教授、中文学科博士后流动站站长,兼任中国红楼梦学会副会长,上海古典文学学会副会长等。主要研究方向为古代小说、语文教育。著有《重读〈红楼梦〉》《红楼梦通识》《统编语文教材与文本解读》等。 03 讲座内容 当前,经典文学作品《红楼梦》在影视改编中面临内容复杂、人物错位、情节淡化、结局迷失等难题。改编无论是所谓的忠实于原著还是跟原著对话,都需要遵守逻辑自洽的准则。本次讲座旨在通过对《红楼梦》影视剧改编实例的细致剖析,为文学作品的影视化改编提供理论支撑和实践指导,以期为中国影视艺术的繁荣发展注入新的活力与灵感。 04 操作指南 01 讲座预约 1)下载数智东南APP,登录之后在底部导航栏选择“工作台”,下滑页面找到应用分类“学业生活”,点击“素质讲座”应用即可进入讲座预约界面。 1)Download the SHUZHI DONGNAN APP and log in. Select the “Workbench” button in the bottom navigation bar. Scroll down the page to find the application category “Academic Life”, and click on the “Quality Lecture” application. Then you can enter the lecture booking interface. 2)本场讲座将开通线上、线下两个预约通道,请同学们按需预约,并请严格按照预约通道规定的方式参与讲座,否则将无法进行打卡认定。 2)Two reservation channels will be opened for this lecture, online and offline. Please make a reservation according to your needs and attend the lecture in strict accordance with the way stipulated in the reservation channel, or else you will not be able to clock in successfully. 3) 预约时间截止后,管理员会在数智东南APP“素质讲座”中的“通知公告”模块,发送包含线上讲座平台、会议号以及QQ群号内容的讲座通知。此外,讲座信息也会以短信的形式发送给大家。 3)After the reservation deadline, the administrator will send the lecture notification including the online lecture platform, conference number and QQ group number in the “Notification” module of “Quality Lecture” in the SHUZHI DONGNAN APP. In addition, the lecture information will also be sent to you by SMS. 4)为便于收集广大同学对人文与科学素养系列讲座的宝贵建议,讲座正式开始前,可在“我的活动"选项中点击“预期反馈"按钮,提交对当前讲座的期待、想法等;讲座结束后可点击“评价”按钮进行效果打分和意见反馈。 4)In order to collect valuable suggestions from students on the Humanities and Science Literacy Lecture Series, before the lecture officially starts, you can click the "Expected Feedback" button in the "My Activities" option to submit your expectations and ideas about the current lecture. After the lecture , you can click the "Evaluation" button to score the effect and give feedback. 02 讲座打卡 1 线下通道 1)请已预约讲座的同学于讲座当日15:00准时排队进场。讲座开场前和结束后,大家可用最新版数智东南APP的扫码功能进行签到,系统会提示“签到成功”(只有成功预约当场讲座的同学才能签到,没有预约的同学即使扫描也无法计入讲座次数)。 1)Students who have reserved the lecture are requested to line up to enter the venue at 15:00 on the day of the lecture . Before and after the lecture, you can use the code scanning function of the latest version of SHUZHI DONGNAN APP to sign in, and the system will indicate that “sign in successfully” (only those who have successfully booked the lecture can sign in, and those who have not booked can not be counted as the number of times they have attended the lecture even if they scan the code). 2)讲座开始10分钟后不得入场。讲座过程中请各位同学遵守会场秩序,不要大声喧哗做与讲座无关的事,不得擅自离场。若因特殊原因需要离场,需向现场工作人员说明并登记;20分钟内不返回者,取消打卡资格。 2)You are not allowed to enter the room 10 minutes after the start of the lecture. During the lecture, please observe the order of the venue, don't make a lot of noise and do things that are not related to the lecture. Please don't leave the venue without authorization. If you need to leave the venue for special reasons, you need to explain to the staff on site and register; those who do not return within 20 minutes will be disqualified from clocking in. 3)讲座结束后请同学们不要急于离开,请遵照主持人的提示有序离场。不要推搡拥挤,以免出现事故。 3)After the lecture, please do not rush to leave. Please follow the instructions of the host and leave the room in order. Do not push other people, so as to avoid any accidents. 4)讲座时间不可控,主要由讲座嘉宾掌控,敬请谅解。 4)The duration of the lecture is controlled by the speaker. Hope that you can understand. 2 线上通道 1)请同学们下载“腾讯会议”APP,使用智能手机/电脑/平板等设备登录APP,点击短信中“会议链接”或者输入“会议码”,即可进入讲座会议。进入讲座会议后,请将昵称修改为“学号-姓名”,中间以“-”符号连接(昵称错误将影响讲座考勤)。 1)Please download the “Tencent Meeting” APP, log in the APP with your smartphone/computer/tablet, click the “Meeting Link” in the SMS or enter the “Meeting Code” to enter the meeting. After entering the lecture meeting, please change your nickname to “student number - name” with a “-” symbol in the middle (wrong nickname will affect the attendance of the lecture). 2)线上讲座无需另外打卡,讲座结束后,工作人员会将考勤数据上传至系统(线上参与时长超过本场讲座时长80%才会被视作考勤成功),大家同样可以在“我的活动”选项中查看到已参与的线上讲座。 2)There is no need to clock in separately for online lectures. After the lecture, the staff will upload the attendance data to the system (online participation time exceeding 80% of the lecture time will be regarded as successful), and you can also view the online lectures that you have participated in the “My Activities” option. 3)线上讲座考勤成功的有效名单将在QQ群公示(群号会在预约短信中通知),有问题请在讲座结束后48小时内在群内反馈,逾期不再补录。 3)The valid list of successful online lecture attendance will be publicized in QQ group (the group number will be notified in the booking SMS), please give feedback in the group within 48 hours after the lecture if there is any problem, and there will not be any make-up record after the deadline. 05 温馨提醒 1) 请参与研究生人文与科学素养系列讲座的同学注意听讲礼仪,线下讲座将手机调至关机或震动状态,讲座过程中不随意讲话交流或走动;线上讲座请勿私自开麦,或发表与讲座无关的言论。违反讲座礼仪规范造成恶劣影响者,将记“讲座违约”一次,并不计入本场讲座有效名单。 2) 我们期待广大研究生同学能够提供更多宝贵建议、监督各场讲座的组织安排工作,建议或投诉信请发送至xueshubujlh_seu@163.com;同时也希望广大研究生同学遵守讲座各项要求,自觉遵守讲座纪律、维护讲座秩序! 设计|陈慧娴 排版|倪浩萍 责编|杜家玉 东南大学研究生会 学术交流中心 东南大学研究生会 宣传与新媒体中心





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