阅读 | 最值得买的理财书籍

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阅读 | 最值得买的理财书籍

❤ Whether you're an experienced trader or you'rethinking about wading in and making your firstinvestment, it always pays to have a goodunderstanding of the rules and trends and to keepabreast of them as they change.无论你是经验丰富的交易员还是正考虑进入这一领域进行第一笔投资,想要了解清楚规则和趋势并能紧跟投资市场的变化,是需要付出努力的。Best Overall: "The Essays of Warren Buffett"最好的综合性书籍:《巴菲特致股东的信》The fourth edition of "The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America" was released in 2015, and it's a worthy read if for no otherreason than it pays to learn from the very best.《巴菲特致股东的信:股份公司教程》第四版于2015年出版,如果只是为了向最优秀的人学习而不为其他的话那这本书值得一读。You'd be hard-pressed to name a more successful investor than Buffett, and he's taken thetime to share what he knows and has learned on the subject over the years.你很难想出比巴菲特更成功的投资者,近些年他也花了些时间把他关于这一领域的所知所学传授给别人。The title addresses "corporate America," but you can take that to include shareholders. Thebook offers an excellent explanation of the relationship between corporations and theirshareholders, which makes it ideal for those new to investing who really don't have a handleon this yet.标题中写的是“美国企业”,但你可以理解为说的是股东。这本书很好地解释了企业和股东之间的关系,对于那些刚接触投资,对这一领域知之甚少的人是理想之选。This collection of essays spans more than 50 years, and they're all related in a voice thatsuggests you're having a cup of coffee with the great legend himself.这里搜集了近50多年的信,所有信中的语气都让你感觉好像正在跟这位大神本人一起喝咖啡。Best Common Sense: "The Intelligent Investor"最好的常识类书籍:《聪明的投资者》Before his death, Benjamin Graham was a renowned professor known as the godfather ofinvesting, and Zweig writes the Intelligent Investor column for The Wall Street Journal.本杰明·格雷厄姆去世之前是一位知名教授,被誉为“投资教父”,而且茨威格还为《华尔街日报》写了《聪明的投资者》专栏。What's unique about this book is its lack of "Rah! Rah! Anything is possible and anyone can doit!” rhetoric.这本书的独特之处在于书中没有用“好啊!好啊!一切皆有可能,每个人都能做到!”这样华而不实的语言。It mostly takes the opposite approach, although it's not without positive encouragement. Itwon't tell you how to make millions, but rather how not to lose your shirt.虽然书中也有鼓励之词,但主要采用的是相反的方式。书中没有告诉你怎样赚到上百万,而是告诉你怎样不倾家荡产。The authors impart must-read basics to get you started in investing and keep you going for along time, from recommended strategies and how to analyze stocks to a comprehensivehistory lesson on the stock market.作者传授了一些你投资初期必读的基础知识,够你用很长一段时间,书中涵盖的内容从推荐策略、股票分析方法到关于股票市场综合的历史教训。Graham published the first edition of this book in 1949, and Buffett himself has called thatversion "the best book on investing ever written."1949年格雷厄姆出版了这本书的第一版,巴菲特本人也将这一版称为“史上最伟大的投资书籍”。 Best by an Experienced Investor: "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing"经验丰富的投资者所著的最好书籍:《常识投资的小书》John C. Bogle is credited with creating the first-ever index fund, so he knows a good bit aboutinvesting.约翰·C-博格尔被认为发行了史上第一个指数基金,所以他对投资很是了解。He's also the founder of Vanguard Group, and he and Buffett are rumored to be the best offriends.他也是美国共同基金公司的创始人,据传他和巴菲特是最好的朋友。It stands to reason that you'd want to learn from both of them, and Buffett has given hisendorsement to Bogle's book, saying that "investors large and small" should read it.显然,你会期待向他们二位学习,巴菲特称赞博格尔的书,说“大小投资者”都该读一读。"The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share ofStock Market Returns" takes the surprising approach that for many investors, the stockmarket is a lose-lose proposition.《常识投资的小书:确保你公平分享股市回报的唯一方法》中有令人诧异的说法,那就是对于许多投资者股市就是双输命题。Then Bogle explains how he's learned to turn the odds in his favor.博格尔解释了他是怎样学会提高胜算的。This isn't Bogle's only book, but it's the one that manages to cover his own personalinnovative techniques and truths in a relatively short and easy read.这不是博格尔唯一的书,但它是一本以相对简短易读的方式来讲述他自己的创新技术和真相的书。Best for Newbies: "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"最适合菜鸟的书:《漫步华尔街》Investing doesn't necessarily mean you devote hours a day and extensive energy and thoughtto manage a broad-based, extensive portfolio, and Burton Malkiel knows that.投资不一定意味着你一天要花费数小时,把大量精力和思绪都放在管理广泛的大量投资组合上,伯顿·马尔基尔深知这一点。"A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is invaluable reading for those who are trying to get ahandle on their first 401(k)s. First you have to learn to talk the talk, or at least understandwhat's being said when someone else speaks it.对于想要管理好第一笔退休储蓄的人来说《漫步华尔街》是一本非常有价值的读物,首先你要学会一些术语,或者至少能理解别人在说什么。Malkiel's book includes some handy definitions of investment terms, and it applies them tovarious investment strategies geared toward different stages in life.马尔基尔的书中有一些易懂的投资术语的定义,并将这些应用于针对生活不同阶段的不同投资策略中。He emphasizes long-term investments rather than get-rich-quick schemes and how to predictprices and avoid common mistakes.他不看重一夜暴富,而是看重长期投资以及如何预测价格并避免常犯的错误。This is another new, revised edition of a book that's been around for a while. "Random Walk" has sold more than 1.5 million copies to date.这是一本新的修订版的书,已经上市一段时间了,《漫步华尔街》迄今销量已经突破150万。 重点单词 related [ri'leitid] adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的 predict [pri'dikt] v. 预知,预言,预报,预测 impart [im'pɑ:t] vt. 传授,赋予,告知 extensive [iks'tensiv] adj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的 renowned [ri'naund] adj. 有名的,有声誉的 column ['kɔləm] n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列 proposition [.prɔpə'ziʃən] n. 建议,命题,主张 vt. 向 ... 提 approach [ə'prəutʃ] n. 接近; 途径,方法 v. 靠近,接近 encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓励 legend ['ledʒənd] n. 传说,传奇 熊叔推荐 👇👇👇





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