
佳巧 文化修养 2024-12-21 7 576


关于财富的英语谚语 导读:本文是关于关于财富的英语谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、有钱常想无钱日,莫到无钱想有钱。 Rich people often want to live without money. Never want to be rich without money. 2、钱无身,可使鬼。 Money without a body can make a ghost. 3、有钱能使鬼推磨,无钱鬼也不开门。 Money makes the ghost grind, and the moneyless never opens the door. 4、金钱造不出好汉。 Money makes no good man. 5、有钱筛酒杯杯满,无钱筛酒浅三分。 Rich sieve glass full, no money sieve shallow three. 6、白酒红人面,黄金黑人心。 Liquor red noodles, golden black heart. 7、钱财如粪土,仁义值千金。 Money is like dung. Benevolence and righteousness are worth a thousand dollars. 8、财富能使人拜倒。 Wealth can make people worship. 9、有钱是爹,有奶是娘,有势是爷。 Rich is father, rich is mother, powerful is father. 10、钱字头上一把刀。 A knife on the head of the money. 11、钱迷眼睛发昏,官迷心窍能作恶。 Money is comatose, but officials can do evil when they are comatose. 12、来得不善,去得也易。 It's easy to go if you don't come well. 13、见钱就下跪,有奶便是娘。 Kneel when you see money, and you'll be a mother if you have milk. 14、和尚经钱经也卖。 Monk sutras are also sold. 15、有钱就是诸葛亮。 Rich is Zhuge Liang. 16、铜钱眼里翻跟斗。 Bronze coins turn somersaults in their eyes. 17、为财富而结婚的人,出卖了自己的自由。 Those who marry for wealth betray their freedom. 18、有钱的王八大三辈。 The wealthy eight and three generations. 19、世间若要人情好,惟有钱财却是亲。 If the world wants to be friendly, only wealth is kinship. 20、发财一家,苦死千家。 Rich families die a thousand. 21、钢要加在刀刃上,钱要花在正路上。 Steel is to be added to the blade, and money is to be spent on the right road. 22、财富少,烦恼也少。 Less wealth, less trouble. 23、杀鸡要杀在喉头上,花钱要花在刀口上。 Chicken killing is done at the throat and money is spent at the edge of the knife. 24、钱能通神。 Money can be divine. 25、不穷千家,不富一户。 Not a thousand families, not a rich family. 26、人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥。 No man is rich without windfall, and no horse is fat without night grass. 27、钱能通天,势能压人。 Money can fly, potential can oppress. 28、瞎子见钱眼也开。 The blind see money. 29、来得不明,去得糊涂。 If you don't know what you're going to do, you're going to be confused. 30、有钱一条龙,无钱一条虫。 Wealth goes all the way, but no money goes all the way. 31、钱多那怕陌生人。 Money is too much for strangers. 32、有钱路路通。 Rich roads open. 33、金子可以坠死人。 Gold can fall to death. 34、除了割肉疼,就是出钱疼。 Apart from the pain of cutting meat, it's the pain of paying money. 35、有钱使得鬼推磨。 Money makes the devil grind. 36、有了圆里方,百事好商量。 With a circle inside, everything is easy to discuss. 37、财主有良心,河水向上流。 The rich man has a conscience, and the river flows upward. 38、健康胜过财富。 Health is better than wealth. 39、节俭本身就是一宗财产。 Thrift is a property in itself. 40、得钱不拣主。 He who gains money does not choose the owner. 41、妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。 A good wife's health is a man's greatest wealth. 42、知识是头上的花环,财产是颈上的枷锁。 Knowledge is a garland on the head, and property is a shackle on the neck. 43、有钱难买一身安。 It's hard to buy peace with money. 44、不毒不成财主,不饿不成骷髅。 No poison, no wealth, no hunger, no skeleton. 45、衣是翎毛钱是胆。 Clothes are feathers, money is courage. 46、富贵藏在才能里,不在财产中。 Wealth lies in talent, not in property. 47、有钱能说话,无钱话不灵。 Money talks, but no money talks. 48、银子是白的,眼珠是乌的。 Silver is white, eyes are black. 49、说尽黄河只为水,磨破口舌尽为财。 The Yellow River is only for water, and the worn tongue is for wealth. 50、非关道德合,只为钱相知。 It's not about moral harmony, it's about money.。





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