Common Bodybuilding Exercise Terms in English

When it comes to bodybuilding and fitness, there are numerous exercise terms that are commonly used. Here are some of the most popular ones:


Bicep Curl


* Definition: A strength training exercise that targets the biceps, involving the curling of a weight towards the shoulders.

* Example Sentence: "I usually do three sets of bicep curls to work on my arm strength."




* Definition: A lower body exercise that involves bending the knees and hips to lower the body down towards the ground.

* Example Sentence: "Squats are great for building muscle in the legs and glutes."




* Definition: A weight training exercise that involves lifting a loaded barbell or bar off the ground to hip level.

* Example Sentence: "Many consider the deadlift to be one of the most effective fullbody exercises."


Bench Press


* Definition: A strength training exercise that involves pressing a weight upwards while lying on a weight bench.

* Example Sentence: "I need to work on my bench press to improve my chest strength."




* Definition: An upperbody exercise where the body is lifted up by the arms, targeting the back and arms.

* Example Sentence: "I struggle with doing pullups, but they are great for building upper body strength."




* Definition: An isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a pushup for a set time.

* Example Sentence: "I include planks in my workout routine to strengthen my core muscles."




* Definition: A singleleg bodyweight exercise that involves stepping forward and lowering the body until the front thigh is parallel to the ground.

* Example Sentence: "I feel the burn in my quads and glutes every time I do walking lunges."


Tricep Dip


* Definition: An exercise that targets the triceps, involving lowering and raising the body by bending and straightening the arms.

* Example Sentence: "Tricep dips are a great way to tone the back of your arms."


Calf Raise


* Definition: An exercise where the individual raises their body upwards using the calf muscles while standing on the balls of the feet.

* Example Sentence: "I like to add calf raises to my leg day routine for wellrounded lower body strength."


Shoulder Press


* Definition: A weight training exercise that targets the shoulders, involving pressing a weight upwards from shoulder level.

* Example Sentence: "My shoulder press has improved significantly since I started focusing on shoulder strength."

Remember, it's important to maintain proper form and technique while performing these exercises to avoid any potential injury.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner looking to sculpt your physique, these exercise terms can help you navigate the world of bodybuilding and fitness more effectively.






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